Welcome to The Leadership Revolution!

The path to your own unique version of leadership mastery can now become clear to you. The AQ (Awareness Quotient) model for leadership development incorporates both our Vertical and Horizontal growth… the Being and Doing of our leadership service.
It provides you with a “functional” understanding of the important yet often-confusing concepts such as Consciousness, Awareness, Attention, Focus, and Intent. And links them directly with the expansion of our AQ, as applied to our growth as a leader.
And when our AQ is applied to the field of leadership itself… the natural developmental progression of our growth as a leader unfolds for us, as it is based on the specific and evolving needs of our organizations and those we serve.
The AQ model of leadership development provides you with a practical and immediately applicable understanding of the 2 Universal Principles of leadership (and life) that form the foundation of all of our growth and development in the world.
Our evolving complexity and our rapidly changing environments require us to further expand our perspective and broaden the impact of our leadership. And this website and its associated books are dedicated to providing you with the map, methods, and insights needed to take your leadership far beyond the limitations of the status quo of leadership practice, and into the larger possibilities of your leadership service.
Brian Cunningham – On his journey from hospital parking lot attendant to CEO, Brian has studied leadership/followership dynamic at every level within a complex organization. Along the way, he also earned two clinical degrees and an MBA. As a life-long student of leadership and an explorer of numerous paths of expanded awareness, Brian has sought to discover the deeper possibilities of leadership to more effectively address the complex needs of our teams and organizations. His commitment to serving and collaborating with many others has led to the development of a revolutionary approach for your exponential leadership growth.
Enjoy the journey!